Home gardeners in Newberry Springs have found that almost everything will grow here if you give it the right environment. That’s not always easy. If the crop isn’t flourishing, there may be three or more things wrong with its “environment.”
Maybe it wants soil that’s more acid than alkaline, and our soil is mostly alkaline with a pH of 7 to 8. Maybe it wants more water, so up your settings on the automatic irrigation system (surely you have installed one of those). Or maybe it needs more or less sunshine.
Or maybe it was meant to grow near the ocean or in Oregon or in the mountains.
The Patricks have found great success with pumpkins
and with watermelons, squash, lettuce, melons, sweet potatoes, etc.
Vickie found that daikon radishes grew continuously, year after year.
The important rule is “Never Give Up!” Keep trying new things, new arrangements, new systems of irrigation. Some have great success the 1st year; others take longer.